This is the sunset view from my balcony just before the storm came in on Tuesday evening.
Remember you can click on the photo to enlarge it !
The colours are incredible
The camera just didn't do it justice
It only got better
And.. better
'till the phone rings..
I go inside to answer it.. typcial.. telemarketer!
Not interested thank you !
I came back to the balcony.. the show was over and the rain had begun.
We had a really good rain for two days. The garden, the ducks and I loved it !
Of course I loved the sunsets... makes me really pissy that I can't match you worth a damn coz my camera has mysteriously dissappeared!
great pics!
too bad you sized em down so much it's kinda hard to fully appreciate them
hmm lish.. the camera mystery continues ! Don't call the search party off yet !
Jarek.. yeah sorry, when I add so many pics to the page, I need to make them smaller files.. or they take too long to load fully for some viewers - I still have the larger size files if you want me to send them to you?
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