Thursday 7 June 2007

Damn funny - who hasn't done something similar to this in the lounge room?

Damn if this isn't one of the funniest things I have watched in a very long time.

Don't try tell me that you havn't taken the piss out of some genre of music without doing something similar to this - or is that just me?
OK............................... so if you havn't done this, then imagine me doing it.. then surely it's gotta be funny?
Do ya self a favor.. watch it till the end.. cause it grows on ya....we are rolling.. and crying with laughter here.. the kids are in bed and they must be wondering what the hell we are laughing at so loudly

ps.. I'm still listening to it.. still funny.
pps.. Is it funny - or am I just weird?
OK EDIT ... its now the next day.
Yes, my daughter DID hear us laughing at that..
and yes she DID wonder what was so funny. So.. I just showed her.. at the first huge mumble chorus line this guy does, M (daughter) said
"OH MUM, that sounds like you imitating some singers !"
Thats it, its Confirmation... im deffo weird
- but I don't say that as if it's a bad thing!


LuSh said...

Does that sound like me when i'm pissed or what?

Just Me said...

no, it sounds like US when we are pissed !

Roll on August 2008!

Anonymous said...

My God Joy! I can see you cackling to this... Damien and i had a good ol' laugh. I need to get me one of this blog pages... but i doubt id have enough time to make it interesting lol...

I have to say it again... You are the odd cookie aren't you... In a good way :p Yumm... Cookies
Love Emily

Just Me said...

Hmm The Odd Cookie....

Now, I could have called my blog that !

Glad to see you stopped by Emily.. I do so love to get comments !

Hugs ya :D