Tuesday 27 November 2007

Australians all let us rejoice, for we are Howard free!

New lyrics for the national anthem maybe?

There are many posts I need to do to fill in the gaps of the last month but this advert I saw in the local paper I just HAD to share with you. This is a REAL advert - bloody cheeky eh?

Still, I laughed

Mwahahahahah - Ok.. I laughed A LOT.

Nothing personal Johnny, but this is what happens when you sneak important Industrial Relations laws through... No previous mention of them at the last election. This is what happens when you fail to ratify Kyoto (here is how they explained it)

As the current Liberal/Coalition domintated Senate will be hostile to Labor till at least July 2008 when the newly elected Senate comes into play - our new Government will have trouble going ahead with their promised plans for a while - just until we can get the shoe horn under their blue ribbon arses - then we can move forward. This may help you understand a bit more

John... you made the mistake of viewing us everyday Aussies as inferior plebs.. but you forgot that it is us plebs that vote the Australian Government in.

With what can only be viewed as superior arrogance, you lost contact with the real Australians.

Lesson learned?

Rant over :)

Oh, ps. Yipppeeee ! We did it !


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaa Yeeeehhaaaaaa Labor won the election!!!!! Bout' bloody time if you ask me lol. Was funny to see the then "Current" prime minister be voted out of his own electorate lol

Love baz & caz


Melly` said...

I was GUNNA vote... CT should of controlled his boys a little more and not had them sniffing around my house late at night maybe...