Ok Ok OK !
Yes I know I have been remiss when it comes to my blog.
After much public pressure (ok, so only 5 people have complained) I thought it best to put cyber pen to cyber paper and bring this blog up to date.
Now, what to talk about? Hmm?
*pregnant pause with musical interval as I consider my options here
Well I have been job hunting. Gee, that’s fun.
I have never, ever, in my life had any problems in finding a job – until now.
At first, I guess I was being a bit choosey. My bad.
My bad, yes but – holy shit let me give you an example a job that I turned down in December.
Let’s see, would I like a position of office manager that supervises 7 other staff members? A position that also entails being personally responsible for all of the company’s monies – accounts in & out, payroll, taxation, superannuation etc?
Sure I can do that.
The workplace was quite close to home, just over the border. Excellent eh? Crossing the state border each day can be a pain in the rear during daylight savings time (6 months of the year) as there is a one hour time difference.. but hey, I can handle that.
If I was to accept this position, the company wanted a firm 12 month employment commitment. I asked why. They said that they had, in the past, had difficulties keeping someone in the position. That rang alarm bells to me, so I asked more questions.
Eventually we get around to discussing wages. What were they offering me per hour?
$14.56 per hour – Gross.
I don’t even want to THINK what that is AFTER tax!
To put that into perspective, I could get a job working on a check out or stacking shelves in a supermarket, with a smidgeon of the responsibility of this job and get paid $17.00 per hour. That’s $2.44 more per hour - nearly $100 more per week to stack shelves than to run company finances!
Accepting personal responsibility for an entire company’s finances can be quite a duty – but I for one, expect to be paid accordingly for that responsibility and not to be paid less than a check out chick (with all due respect to check out chicks !)
I told this ‘gentleman’ at the interview that I wasn’t surprised that he had trouble keeping someone else in the job. That was an insulting hourly rate for the position he was offering.
But.. would it?
I left quite soon after that.......
Other jobs I have gone for I have been told that I am over qualified.
What the hell is that? Oh sod off ! I would much prefer to have an employee with experience and qualifications.
So, I keep applying for jobs. Filling out applications, changing my resume to suit the position.. forms, forms, forms and as for Selection criteria.. what the hell is that shit about?
Would I like some cheese to go with that whine? Yes please.
Well I think that will do for today, not very informative but hey, it’s all ya getting for now.
Hopefully soon, I can report that I am gainfully employed again.
Ooroo for now